Vivaslim Reviews and Scam Complaints Exposed [2023]

There are a lot of weight-loss supplements on the market, and they can help you lose weight.

Most of them don’t work, and some of them don’t give the results that they should have.

Many times, after taking pills or tablets, people gain weight.

As long as you work hard at it, you can lose weight.

You can get long-term results with the supplement that can stop the fat cells in your body from getting any bigger.

A company called VivaSlim is what we’re going to inform you about here.

It is a natural product that isn’t like any other product.

Since it focuses on both weight loss and the blocking of fat cells.

There are active ingredients in Vivaslim that help you lose weight.

These ingredients don’t let your body store fat again.

If you want to use this formula, you have to drink it 2 – 3 times a day.

Moreover, users can take the drops based on their weight as well.

In this article, we are going to explore users’ reviews on Vivaslim, complaints, Vivaslim scam reports, and much more.

VivaSlim Reviews – What is VivaSlim?

VivaSlim is a weight loss supplement that claims to help people who looking for healthy weight loss and speed up their metabolisms.

Vivaslim drops come in the form of liquid and may help you lose weight and have a better body shape at the same time.

Many people take them to help them lose weight.

VivaSlim says it can help people who are overweight or obese.

It may help you lose weight and get rid of fat around your waist by speeding up the rate at which your body burns fat.

We have looked at VivaSlim reviews and found out what you need to know about this supplement.

Vivaslim Ingredients

So, what is in Vivaslim?

If you look at the official site for VivaSlim, it has the following ingredients they are safe and natural for your health. See them here:

  • Rhodiola
  • Niacin
  • Astragalus
  • L-Carnitine
  • L-Ornithine
  • L-Glutamine
  • L-Arginine
  • Beta-Alanine
  • Maca

Niacin helps to raise the level of adiponectin, which helps the body get rid of more fat. That’s not all: It also helps with inflammation, which helps keep your body healthy at all times. Immunity gets better, and it even lessens the signs of aging. [1]

Rhodiola has a lot of great effects on cognition. It mostly tries to improve the brain’s function and lessen the symptoms of fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Even so, it is very good for releasing insulin hormones and giving you a stress-free brain for the rest of your life. [2]

To help build muscle, L-Ornithine is an essential extract because it is good for this goal.

It helps to repair the body and keep it from getting hurt.

This ingredient is very important because it keeps your body free from fat and helps you lose weight.

For a lot of stamina and energy, L-Arginine is the best thing to take.

Weight loss starts right away, and Maca as well helps in removing fat from areas that are already fat.

Belly fat, thighs, arms, waistline, and neck are places where it is hard to get rid of fat.


  • Helps in eliminating body fat
  • Prevent fat deposition in stubborn areas
  • Also helps in reducing appetite and craving for food
  • Helps in improving mental and cognition health
  • Boosts metabolism and promotes insulin level


  • It is only sold through the official website
  • Some ingredients might be allergic to a few individuals

Vivaslim Dosage

How to take Vivaslim? Vivaslim drops are easy and convenient to take. 

Users can take about 10 drops.

Users can take it three times a day if they make a little bit of change.

This bottle also comes with a dropper that makes sure each drop is the right size.

As long as you follow the directions, you can use these drops as well.

If you want to find out how to use VivaSlim, click here.

Reviews of Vivaslim

Reviews for Vivaslim are mostly positive.

I have gone through lots of Vivaslim drop reviews on the official website and even other platforms.

Here are some Vivaslim real reviews from real users:

“I’m so happy that I got this innovative supplement for losing weight.  It is an amazing weight loss product that helped me lose a lot of pounds very quickly.”  – Aaron K. Farr – 35

“After taking Vivaslim drops, my body is more healthy and slimmer. Even so, it completely gets rid of belly fat from my body. It was a great product for me.”  Curtis K. Browning – 26

“When I start taking VivaSlim, I start seeing results in the first week. It is so simple and easy to be used in your daily life.” Joel S. Chung – 42

You can check more Vivaslim customer reviews on the official website by clicking here>>

Vivaslim Scam

Vivaslim scam reports are common things to encounter online.

Some users have reported that they purchased it from Amazon and received fake or replica products.

As Vivaslim is not sold on Amazon or other stores, lots of retailers are encashing it by offering replica supplements with similar packaging.

Therefore, it is best to order it from the official website to avoid any scam possibility.

So, Is Vivaslim a scam? No, Vivaslim is not a scam if you buy it wisely.

VivaSlim Price & Offers

Vivaslim is available in 3 packages that you can choose from:

  • One month supply pack will cost you $49 per bottle.
  • Three month supply pack will cost you $39 per bottle.
  • Six month supply pack will cost you $31 per bottle.
Click here to check any running offers or discounts on the official website>>

My Conclusion

People who want to lose weight should take the supplement VivaSlim.

It has natural ingredients that work in many ways to help people lose weight.

This product is very easy to eat because it only needs to be mixed with water.

As a bonus, it costs a lot less and comes with a good return policy.

VivaSlim scam reports are null and reviews have mostly positive things to speak about it.

However, it’s best to get more advice from professionals in the field of health care.

Thanks for Reading

Common FAQs on Vivaslim Reviews

Who Manufactures VivaSlim?

Vivaslim is manufactured by a reputed company, Simple Promise which manufactures various health supplements.

Are there any Vivaslim complaints?

To date, there are no serious complaints reported for Vivaslim. Most complaints are regarding late shipping.

Does Vivaslim work for weight loss?

Yes, Vivaslim really works for weight loss and it has proven it through lots of satisfied customers.

Are there any Vivaslim side effects?

No, there are no side effects of using Vivaslim as it is manufactured with natural ingredients. Although, few individuals may experience allergic reactions due to some ingredients used.

Is Vivaslim sold on Amazon?

No, Vivaslim is not sold on Amazon officially. It is only sold through the official website.

Is there any refund policy?

Yes, the company offers a 1-year money-back guarantee to unsatisfied users.

Is VivaSlim™ safe?

Yes, VivaSlim™ is totally safe and has no known side effects.

It’s manufactured using the highest-quality ingredients and processed in a clean, sterile environment that is Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified.

No one has reported any noticeable or serious side effects.

Of course, you should always consult with your doctor before taking any supplement.

How do I take VivaSlim™?

Just mix 10 drops in water or a beverage of your choice 3 times daily.

A dropper will be provided with each bottle.

What if I lose too much weight too fast?

This happens more often than you might think.

In those instances, we recommend taking VivaSlim™ once a day instead of the regular 3 times a day.

And as always, consult with your doctor.

Is VivaSlim™ right for me?

VivaSlim™ is scientifically proven to work for anyone regardless of their age, weight, or gender.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, 20 years old or 80 years old, or need to lose 20 pounds or 100 pounds.

VivaSlim™ will work for you.

How long will it take me to see the results?

Although every person’s body is different, most people notice their change within the first week.

Your belly will start to flatten and you’ll likely notice that clothes will feel looser.

By 3 months, others will likely notice your change as well.

And by 6 months you’ll likely begin to move, feel and look like a woman half your age.

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